The Department of Trade and Industry-Albay Provincial Office, through its Livelihood and Entrepreneurship Assistance Program (LEAP) in partnership with the Department of Education-Albay Division under its Alternative Learning System (ALS) program and the Bicol Wig Cooperative, conducted a skills training on Wig Making starting last March 18, 2011 and every Friday thereafter until the trainees are able to learn the technology and acquired the required skills. The training is being held at the Activity Hall of Gabaldon Bldg., Baligang Elementary School, Baligang, Camalig, Albay.
A total of 53 Out of School Youths and women from Barangays Baligang, Bantonan, Gotob and Ilawod, all of Camalig participated in the training. No less than the President of Bicol Wig, Ms Diane Fabros served as resource person and was duly assisted by two line supervisors cum trainers from Bicol Wig, Ms. Alma Belardo and Ms. Regie Esplana.
After the trainees have completely acquired the skills and have passed the quality control tests being conducted every session, they will be issued initial job orders for take home in consideration of the distance of the area from the company's main production site cum office in Tagas, Daraga, Albay. Should there be enough trained skilled wig makers developed in the area, part of the long-term plan of the Cooperative is to establish a satellite production station there.